County Jail
The Union County Jail is located on the north-side of the courthouse at 50 NW 1st Street in Lake Butler. Historically, the original jail for Union County was constructed circa 1922. Around 1936, Union County constructed the brick courthouse at the present day location. By 1950, the "old jail" was dismantled and a new one was built on the site of the present day jail.The years ahead provided for renovations as Union County grew. The current day jail is a 36 bed facility housing both convicted and non-convicted offenders, felony and misdemeanor crimes. The jail is part of the Sheriff's automated reporting system providing real-time civil and criminal court paperwork to expedite the criminal justice process. Additionally, the jail operates the laser automated fingerprint system tied to the National Crime Information Center and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. The county jail participates in the automatic notification of victims of certain crimes by way of the V.I.N.E.S. network when an offender is released
The county jail booking facility also houses the Sheriffs' alcohol breath testing equipment used by deputy sheriff's as well as the Florida Highway Patrol.
Visiting hours are Thursday and Friday of each week from 1:00pm until 3:00pm. Visiting is allowed on one of these days and is restricted to immediate family only. Anyone visiting the facility is subject to search pursuant to Florida State Statute. For more information, you may contact the jail administrator at (386) 496-2501.
National Crime Information Center- "The National Crime Information Center, or NCIC, has been called the lifeline of law enforcement-an electronic clearing house of crime data that can be tapped into by virtually every criminal justice agency nationwide, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It helps criminal justice professionals apprehend fugitives, locate missing persons, recover stolen property, and identify terrorists. It also assists law enforcement officers in performing their duties more safely and provides information necessary to protect the public."
Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System- " IAFIS's primary function is to provide the FBI a fully automated fingerprint identification and criminal history reporting system. Additionally, IAFIS has made several other accomplishments. It has improved latent fingerprint identification services to the law enforcement community and it has also helped to develop uniform biometric standards. These improvements have eliminated the need to process and retain paper fingerprint cards and has, thereby, accelerated the identification process."
Criminal Justice Information Services- "The FBI's Criminal Justice Information Services Division, or CJIS, is a high-tech hub in the hills of West Virginia that provides a range of state of-the-art tools and services to law enforcement, national security and intelligence community partners, and the general public."
Florida Crime Information Center- "The State of Florida's primary law
enforcement/criminal justice information system that provides agencies with access to Federal, State, and local criminal justice information."
Automated fingerprint Identification System- "Automated fingerprint identification systems (AFIS) are primarily used by law enforcement agencies for criminal identification purposes, the most important of which is the identification of a person suspected of committing a crime or linking a suspect to other unsolved crimes."